Seasons Greetings

Dear Friends,

What a great 75th anniversary it has been for us thanks to the ongoing support, volunteer hours, attendance, and enthusiasm from all of you. For nearly a century we’ve shared the history of Kitsap County and that couldn’t be done without your participation. The museum will be entering our 76th year with an updated mission statement. While our previous goal of “collection, preserving and exhibiting the diverse culture, heritage and history of Kitsap County” explained the HOW of what we do, we felt it was time to focus on the WHY of what we do.

“Connecting our community with each story.”

Our collections, our programs, our memberships are the tools we use to create connection, bridge gaps, and foster understanding between individuals, experiences, time, and place. As we build these connections between community members it creates a sense of belonging and ownership with the power to bond us to one another and our surroundings. The stories that emerge from our museum are not merely history, they are an assembly of our community’s collective identity. Each voice and each unique story combine to make up Kitsap’s rich history.

In the spirit of this new mission statement, we are fully embracing each story with a new gallery on the mezzanine level dedicated to community-led exhibits. Unlike traditional exhibits that are designed and managed by the museum, a community-led exhibit engages local community members in the curation and exhibition of their own stories and unique perspectives. To make this ambition a reality, we need your help.

As we embark on this transformative journey, we invite you to be an integral part of shaping Kitsap’s narrative. Your year-end donation will directly fuel the development of this community-led exhibit space, ensuring that it becomes a living testament to the strength and diversity of our community where each story is not just preserved but celebrated.

Wishing you a joyful holiday season and a prosperous New Year!

Warm regards,

All of us at the Kitsap History Museum


Please consider making your gift a monthly recurring donation. Monthly gifts in any amount ensure stability and steady income for the Museum. As you check out, choose Monthly Recurring as your Purchase Option.

*The image above is from a holiday card sent out by the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in 1945. It was donated by Helen Miller (née Van Dorn) who was a Yeomanette at PSNS in 1919, and whose collection contained a great many Naval and PSNS memorabilia.

The message inside the card read:

From each of us to each of you we send our Chistmas cheer,

Here’s wishing yo the best of all, in this and every year.

So keep this card for memory’s sake and on some future day,

Bring thoughts to mind of ’45 when Peace returned to stay.

(KHM Archives: 1969.002.045.002)

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