Roosevelt Smith graciously collaborated with Kitsap History Museum to exhibit his extensive collection of Black Americana in 2020. Mr. Smith’s robust collection and associated talks have inspired podcasts, interviews, DEI guidance, educator resources, and more.
Roosevelt Smith has lived in Kitsap County for over 40 years. He is a retired mental health counselor, Vietnam era Air Force Veteran, antique dealer and appraiser, former commander of Kitsap NABVETS, sensitivity trainer focusing on The African American Experience, and a member of the Kitsap County Arts Commission. He joined the Board of Trustees of Kitsap History Museum in January 2021.

Roosevelt has been collecting Black Americana for decades. His collection began with books and expanded into art, ephemera, collectibles, and more as he realized the importance of preserving this history, however ugly; he collects because, “We can NOT forget this.”
His collection contains some items of a controversial and offensive nature. Black Americana refers to any objects, photos, or ephemera that speak to the African American experience – from traditional tribal art, to racism as commodity, to the Black Freedom Movement and everything in between. Themes of racism, white supremacy, and dehumanization are present. Although some of the items are extremely difficult to view, Roosevelt and museum staff agree that censoring the collection lessens its impact as a teaching tool. Visitors should take this into account when deciding if they’d like to view this collection.